Andrew Salgado is a modern portrait artist ( born 1982), who works often on a big scale, the above image is 180 cm x 180 cm oil on canvas. His work sometimes creates a pixelated affect as he paints with big square brush strokes, and while at first glance it looks very expressive and spontaneous brush strokes, when you analyse the piece you can see each stroke has been carefully thought about and particularly placed, so that there is still some form to the subject and it still looks very neat. Other pieces of his work feature a lot looser brush strokes which makes his work very interesting as most artists seem to have a set way of painting, but Andrew Salgado's brush techniques seem to change in each painting creating an individual finish on each painting. I love his work and while some of my work also uses very loose expressive brush strokes it would be interesting to use the technique above with more block like applications.