What interests or drives you?
Most areas of art interest me in one way or another and I enjoy practicing a range of different styles but a style I always end up incorporating into my work is an expressive thick application of paint. The way paint is applied can alter a paintings effect and i like how each brush stroke is unique,
What materials do you think might best serve your investigations? What media/areas do you intend to explore?
Acrylic and oil will work best with the style of painting I want to explore. As well as this I may do pieces with watercolour incorporating flowers/plants etc. Recently I have enjoyed working with acrylic and oil on acetate, and I want to experiment with other materials like this such as acrylic glass. I also want to work with Photoshop again and mix photography with painting.
How will you measure your success?
For me personally I will measure my success on how I feel about my work. While how other people respond to my pieces is important, I care more about enjoying making and presenting my work. If I like my own work weeks after making it, that is a success to me.