This semester, I decided to carry on with my fluid painting series and continued to develop my work by experimenting with size, materials and colour. When I was initially starting this series, I wasn't particuarly looking at anything for inspiration, they were more just spontaneous pieces. however as I started to create more, my work started to remind me of space and planets. From this, I started using a certain mix of colours to resonate this 'space' or 'earth' theme. I then decided to experiment with materials and texture, for example in some of my canvas pieces I mixed foam with the paint to create a surface that reminded me of the moon. As for artists, I took a lot of inspiration from Ian Davenport until a couple of weeks ago when I visited the Serena Korda exhibition. I'm now looking more into her work and considering developing my practice by working on ceramic pieces. Ceramics are something I've never worked on before as I don't want my work to come across as 'crafty'. However, this is could be a good way to develop my work and further my understanding of what I can do with art. Jackson Pollock once said in an interview that 'the modern artist is working with space and time, and expressing his feelings rather than illistrating them'. I like this quote when thinking about my own work as I often feel I am expressing my feelings in my work and never know as to whether that's a good idea or not. I now consider myself quite an expressive painter, probably the opposite of what I thought I was a year ago, and I want to continue learning more about myself as an artist and push myself to create bigger and better pieces.